Pyre Installation¶
Users should begin by following the common installation instructions before proceeding to the Pyre’s specific instructions below.
Python packages¶
Use the latest 64-bit version of packages unless otherwise specified
Pyglet 1.2alpha1 or later The best method of installing Pyglet is calling pip from Python install scripts directory, which is typically C:\Python27\scripts:
pip install --upgrade
PyOpenGL 3.X can be installed from Gohlke’s site. PyOpenGL Accelerate 3.X is optional, but may increase performance.
Installing Pyre package¶
From the Python scripts directory use pip to install pyre directly from github:
pip install git+
For reasons uninvestigated Pip can fail to install other nornir packages. If this occurs one can create an empty directory, clone the repository into it, and use python setup:
git clone
python install
Pyre on the Mac¶
X11 is required and is available from ‘XQuartz’_
Users have had trouble getting Pyre running on the Mac. Some have no trouble and others spend a lot of time fighting the wxPython library. The problem is not well investigated so if a solution is found please E-mail so we can document.
Launching Pyre¶
Once installed pyre creates a python script for launching pyre and well as some executable shortcuts. The current practice is to launch from the Python scripts directory:
If that fails download the source to a directory using git clone command, change to the directory that command creates, and then run start pyre:
python scripts/