Creating a Volume

This section reviews how to organize images for import into a volume and what operations can be performed on the volume.

The build manager places data from various platforms into a single volume directory. Users use the “nornir_build” command and provide a path to the volume’s directory to run specific operations on the volume:

nornir-build <volumepath> <Command> ...

Importing data

The first command for any Nornir volume:

nornir-build <volumepath> <import_command> <inputpath>

For example nornir-build Y:/Volumes/RC2 ImportIDOC Y:/Captures/RC2/ will instruct Nornir to check the Y:/Captures/RC2 directory for sections and import any that it can find into the volume stored in Y:/Volumes/RC2

The import command extends volumes non-destructively provided different sections are not assigned the same number. Import can be run repeatedly as now sections become available.

Organizing data for import

Nornir needs the data to be laid out in a predictable fashion. No spaces are allowed in nornir folder names!

The convention nornir uses is for a directory to exist for the volume with a numbered subdirectory for each mosaic. The directory name should contain the section number, and optionally an underscore followed by the name of the section.


Sometimes it is just useful to organize multiple mosaics into a single volume even though they aren’t a 3D volume. In this case just invent different section numbers for each capture. For example lets say I capture three mosaics in SerialEM (which produces an .idoc meta-data file) for Bob’s eggplant and he had some ID #’s he wants to make sure get carried along with the data.

  • Bob

    • 0001_EggID4567

      • capture.idoc

      • 001.tif

      • 002.tif

      • 1245.tif

    • 0002_EggID7645

The result will two sections named “EggID4567” and “EggID7645” respectively.


Often we want to carry more data forward. The existing importers extract a lot of scope settings from the meta-data files. If you want to record additional data, for example the box Bob’s samples are stored in, this can be put into a notes.txt file and saved in the 0001_EggID4567. The file will copied along with the section.

  • Bob

    • 0001_EggID4567

      • capture.idoc

      • Notes.txt

    • 0002_EggID7645

Extending the importer

Nornir has an .xml file mapping extensions to importers. It examines each directory for extensions and if the extensions are found it will attempt to load the python module specified in the xml file and pass it the directory containing the files with matching extensions.

Platform Scripts

For SerialEM and Surveyor there are canned windows batch files for building TEM volumes and brightfield microscopy volumes respectively. These are tailored for the Marc Lab’s workflow as needed, but can be a reference for development. Scripts are run from the scripts directory of your Python installation.

Transmission Electron Microscopy via SerialEM

Import SerialEM .idoc files and remove tiles without enough features:

TEMPrepare <volume path> <import path>

Build mosaics and produce a report for SerialEM TEM:

TEMBuild  <volume path>

Align the slices into a single volume:

TEMAlign  <volume path>

Brightfield Microscopy via Surveyor

Import .pmg files, correct non-DAPI channels using brightfield shading correction:

CMPBuild <volume path> <import path>

Align the slices into a single volume:

CMPAlign <volume path>


Nornir defines different pipelines that manipulate the volume. Pipelines are defined in a pipeline.xml file and can be edited by advanced users.

Builds tend to have many steps in common. The Marc lab builds TEM images with this pipeline:

  1. Prune

  2. AdjustContrast

  3. Mosaic

  4. Assemble

  5. MosaicReport

  6. CreateBlobFilter

  7. AlignSections -Downsample 32

  8. RefineSectionAlignment -Downsample 32

  9. RefineSectionAlignment -Downsample 32 16

  10. SliceToVolume

  11. ScaleVolumeTransform 16 -> 1

Sample batch files can be found in the scripts directory, which is copied to the python scripts directory at setup time. TEMPrepare, TEMBuildMosaic, and TEMAlign show the commands used to build the RC2 TEM volume at the Marc lab.

Note: Certain arguments support regular expressions. See the python re module for instructions on how to construct appropriate regular expressions.

Options available to all build commands. Specific pipelines may extend the argument list.

usage: nornir_build volumepath [-h] [-debug] [-lowpriority] [-verbose]

Positional Arguments


Directory containing volume to execute command on



If true any exceptions raised by pipelines are not handled.

Default: False

-lowpriority, -lp

Run the build with lower priority. The machine may be more responsive at the expense of much slower builds. 3x-5x slower in tests.

Default: False


Provide additional output

Default: False



Used to recover or update notes files in a folder. This searches a path for *.txt files and creates/updates a notes element with the information in the file.

nornir_build volumepath RecoverNotes [-h] [-save]

Set this flag to save the VolumeData.xml files with the located linked elements included.

Default: False


Import a Slice-to-slice transformation to a StosGroup.

nornir_build volumepath AddStos [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]] -File
                                INPUTSTOSFULLPATH [-Block BLOCKNAME]
                                -StosGroup STOSGROUP -ControlSection
                                CONTROLSECTION -ControlChannel CONTROLCHANNEL
                                -ControlFilter CONTROLFILTER
                                -ControlDownsample CONTROLDOWNSAMPLE
                                -MappedSection MAPPEDSECTION -MappedChannel
                                MAPPEDCHANNEL -MappedFilter MAPPEDFILTER
                                -MappedDownsample MAPPEDDOWNSAMPLE -Type TYPE

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Path to the .stos file to import


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Name of the StosGroup


Control Section Number of the Stos Transform


Control Channel of the Stos Transform


Control Filter of image used for transform


Downsample level of controlled section’s image


Mapped Section Number of the Stos Transform


Mapped Channel of the Stos Transform


Mapped Filter of image used for transform


Downsample level of mapped section’s image


Name of the StosGroup


List all SliceToSlice mappings within a stos map

nornir_build volumepath AddToStosMap [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     [-Block BLOCKNAME] -Name STOSMAPNAME
                                     -ControlSection CONTROLSECTION
                                     -MappedSection MAPPEDSECTION

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Name of the StosMap


Control Section Number


Mapped Section Number


Creates a new filter with adjusted contrast. The cutoffs can be adjusted within the meta-data by altering the AutoLevelHint element of the input filters volume.xml meta-data file.

nornir_build volumepath AdjustContrast [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                       [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                       [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                       [-Gamma GAMMA] [-MinCutoff MINCUTOFF]
                                       [-MaxCutoff MAXCUTOFF] -InputFilter
                                       [-OutputFilter OUTPUTFILTER]
                                       [-OutputBpp OUTPUTBPP] -InputTransform

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Gamma value for intensity auto-level


Min pixel intensity cutoff as a percentage, 0 to 100

Default: 0.1


Max pixel intensity cutoff as a percentage, 0 to 100. Specifying ‘1’ puts the cutoff at 99% of the maximum pixel intensity value.

Default: 0.5


Filter to draw images from

Default: “Raw8”


Filter to draw images from

Default: “Leveled”


Bits-per-pixel of output filter images


Mosaic transform to prune. The transform provides the list of tiles in the mosaic.

Default: “Prune”


Performs slice to slice alignment from scratch to produce an initial 3D volume. After alignment the best alignment results are selected to create a final stosmap.

nornir_build volumepath AlignSections [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      [-Center CENTER]
                                      [-NumAdjacentSections NUMADJACENTSECTIONS]
                                      [-AngleRange ANGLESEARCHRANGE]
                                      [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                      [-Filters FILTERSREGEX] [-UseMasks]
                                      -Downsample STOSBRUTEDOWNSAMPLE
                                      [-OutputStosMap OUTPUTSTOSMAP]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Center section of the volume. Defaults to center if unspecified. The first run center is saved in meta-data and re-used on later runs.


Number of adjacent sections to attempt registration with.

Default: 1


Range of angles to check in degrees not radians

Default: “”


Regular expression describing channels to be aligned

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be aligned

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Use masks for images if they are available. Masked areas are replaced with random noise for alignment purposes.

Default: False


Amount to downsample input images before attempting alignment. Images are padded to the next power of two for the FFT. Large images, roughly greater than 2048x2048, can be very slow.

Default: 1


Name assigned to generated stos map.

Default: “PotentialRegistrationChain”


Do not check for flipped sections. Use this option if it is impossible for images to be flipped. Doubles execution speed.

Default: False


Creates an assembled image from a transform and filter. Optionally creates a new channel for output.

nornir_build volumepath Assemble [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                 [-Sections SECTIONS] [-Downsample LEVELS]
                                 [-NoInterlace] [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                 [-ChannelPrefix OUTPUTCHANNELPREFIX]
                                 [-Filters FILTERREGEX]
                                 [-Transform TRANSFORMNAME] [-Crop CROPBOX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Comma separated list of downsample levels for assembling images. If output is desired only one downsample level can be used.

Default: 1


Setting this flag skips the interlace step after assemble. Interlaced images load faster on web pages, but are larger than non-interlaced images.

Default: True


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled

Default: “*”


Create a new channel for the output with this prefix and the name of the input.

Default: “”


Regular expression describing filters to be assembled

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Directory to move assembled images to

Default: “Grid”


Bounding box of region to assemble. Default is no cropping. Form is MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY with no spaces.

Default: “”


Assembles registered images for .stos files in a group. Typically this is done so quality of registration at that stage can be assessed.

nornir_build volumepath AssembleStosOverlays [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                             [-cc [CC ...]] -StosGroup
                                             STOSGROUP -Downsample
                                             INPUTDOWNSAMPLE -StosMap STOSMAP

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Stos group to assemble

Default: “StosBrute”


Downsample level to assemble


Name assigned to generated stos map.

Default: “FinalStosMap”


Build small full-resolution tiles, usually 256x256, that allow regions of the mosaic to be rapidly loaded

nornir_build volumepath AssembleTiles [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                      [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                      [-Filters FILTERREGEX]
                                      [-Transform TRANSFORMNAME]
                                      [-HighestDownsample HIGHESTDOWNSAMPLE]
                                      [-Shape SHAPE]
                                      [-MaxWorkingImageArea MAX_TEMP_IMAGE_AREA]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be assembled

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Transform defining images into mosaic

Default: “Grid”


Highest level downsample to generate. Defaults to the level required to show entire section on one tile.


The size the tiles passed as a comma-delimited pair of integers. For example 256,512. If a single number is passed it is used for both dimensions

Default: 256,256


Determines the amount of memory the system should use to generate the tiles. Suggested value is total system memory in bytes divided by four


Setting this flag skips testing existing tiles to ensure they were created after the input transform.

Default: False


Build small full-resolution tiles, usually 256x256, that allow regions of the mosaic to be rapidly loaded. Uses the filter image as source instead of transforms.

nornir_build volumepath AssembleTilesFromImage [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                               [-cc [CC ...]]
                                               [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                               [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                               [-Filters FILTERREGEX]
                                               [-HighestDownsample HIGHESTDOWNSAMPLE]
                                               [-Shape SHAPE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be assembled

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Highest level downsample to generate. Defaults to the level required to show entire section on one tile.


The size the tiles passed as a comma-delimited pair of integers. For example 256,512. If a single number is passed it is used for both dimensions

Default: 512,512


Creates images indicating the amount of warping present in each .stos file in a group. Typically this is done so quality of registration at that stage can be assessed.

nornir_build volumepath CalculateStosGroupWarpMetrics [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                                      [-cc [CC ...]]
                                                      -StosGroup STOSGROUP
                                                      INPUTDOWNSAMPLE -StosMap
                                                      [-MaxAngle MAXREPORTEDANGLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Stos group to assemble

Default: “StosBrute”


Downsample level to assemble


Name assigned to generated stos map.

Default: “FinalStosMap”


Maximum angle value, in degrees, in output image heatmaps. Defaults to max angle found for each section. Specify a value to ensure consistent heatmap ranges for each transform. 15-30 degrees is usually a reasonable value.


Indicates whether the image is rendered in the source or target section coordinates. Rendering to source will result in a square image. Rendering to target is better for transforms to volume space.

Default: True


Clean common errors from the volume meta-data

nornir_build volumepath Cleanup [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                [-Sections SECTIONS]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Clean common errors in section mappings

nornir_build volumepath CleanupStos [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Create a SliceToSlice transform group

nornir_build volumepath CopyStosGroup [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      -Input SOURCEGROUPNAME -Output
                                      TARGETGROUPNAME [-Block BLOCKNAME]
                                      [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Source StosGroup to copy transforms from.


Target StosGroup to copy transform to.


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Downsample level of stos files

Default: 1


Create a blob filter from an input filter. Blobbing can make brute slice-to-slice alignment more reliable for downsampled mosaics with fine textures.

nornir_build volumepath CreateBlobFilter [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                         [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                         [-Channels CHANNELREGEX] -InputFilter
                                         [-Levels BLOBDOWNSAMPLELEVELS]
                                         [-Radius BLOBRADIUS]
                                         [-Median BLOBMEDIAN] [-Max BLOBMAX]
                                         [-OutputFilter OUTPUTFILTERNAME]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section to execute blob on. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled

Default: “*”


Name of filter to create blob filter for

Default: “Leveled”


Downsample levels to be blobbed

Default: 1


Radius to calculate variance within

Default: 9


Median filter radius for input

Default: 7


Max variance before cropping

Default: 3


Prefix added to created filters

Default: “Blob”


Create a SliceToSlice transform group

nornir_build volumepath CreateStosGroup [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                        -StosGroup STOSGROUP
                                        [-Block BLOCKNAME]
                                        [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Name of the StosGroup to create


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Downsample level of stos files

Default: 1


Create a vikingxml file for use in Viking

nornir_build volumepath CreateVikingXML [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                        [-StosGroup STOSGROUP]
                                        [-StosMap STOSMAP] [-Host HOST]
                                        -OutputFile OUTPUTFILE

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Stos group to pull images from. If not specified only unregistered mosaics are included.


Slice-to-slice mapping of transforms. If not specified only unregistered mosaics are included.


Url of volume, overrides the about.xml settings


Name of file to write .VikingXML is appended to name automatically


Copies images of sections to an output directory

nornir_build volumepath ExportImages [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                     [-Filters FILTERREGEX]
                                     [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]
                                     [-Output OUTPUTPATH]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be assembled

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Downsample output images by this factor

Default: 1


Directory to move assembled images to


Export all meta-data to a single file

nornir_build volumepath ExportMetadata [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                       [-Output OUTPUTPATH]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Full path of output xml file, defaults to VolumeData.SingleFileBackup.xml in the Volume directory.


Calculates the histogram from all tiles in a mosaic

nornir_build volumepath Histogram [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                  [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                  [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                  [-Filters FILTERSREGEX] -InputTransform
                                  INPUTTRANSFORM [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to include, * processes all filters

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


The transform provided the list of tiles in the mosaic.

Default: “Prune”


Use downsampled tiles for faster histogram calculation

Default: 1


Import Digital Micrograph 4

nornir_build volumepath ImportDM4 [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                  [-ext EXTENSION] [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                  [-overlap TILE_OVERLAP]
Positional Arguments

Directory to import from


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Extension of digital micrograph version 4 files, default is dm4

Default: “dm4”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Overlap of tiles as a percentage, either a single value or a comma-delimited pair (X%,Y%).ntex: 15 would be a 15 overlap on both axis.ntex: 10,20 would be a 10% X overlap and 20% Y overlap.


Import SerialEM IDOC into a volume.

nornir_build volumepath ImportIDoc [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                   [-ext EXTENSION] [-Min MINVALUE]
                                   [-Max MAXVALUE] [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                   [-CameraBpp CAMERABPP]
Positional Arguments

Directory to import from. The .idoc files in subdirectories should be named with the desired section number after import. i.e. 0005.idoc to import the file as section #5.


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Extension of idoc files, default is idoc

Default: “idoc”


Min intensity cutoff. A value from 0.0 to 1.0

Default: 0.0001


Max intensity cutoff. A value from 0.0 to 1.0

Default: 0.9999


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


The actual bits-per-pixel of the camera. Limits the range of image histograms being expanded beyond reason due to errors in input image data or meta-data.


Import single images that represent an entire section in a volume

nornir_build volumepath ImportImages [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]] -Scale
                                     SCALEVALUEINNM [-ext EXTENSION]
Positional Arguments

Directory to import from


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Pixel size in nanometers


Extension of image files, default is png

Default: “png”


Import SerialEM MRC files into a volume.

nornir_build volumepath ImportMRC [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                  [-ext EXTENSION] [-CameraBpp CAMERABPP]
Positional Arguments

Directory to import from. The .mrc files in subdirectories should be named with the desired section number after import. i.e. 0005.mrc to import the file as section #5.


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Extension of mrc files, default is mrc

Default: “mrc”


The actual bits-per-pixel of the camera. Limits the range of image histograms being expanded beyond reason due to errors in input image data or meta-data.


Import PMG file into a volume

nornir_build volumepath ImportPMG [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]] -Scale
                                  SCALEVALUEINNM [-ext EXTENSION]
Positional Arguments

Directory to import from. The PMG file should follow this format: Slide#_Block#_Section#_Initials_Mag_Spot_Probe. However only Section and Probe are used as the section number and channel name respectively. The rest is stored as meta-data.


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Pixel size in nanometers


Extension of pmg files, default is pmg

Default: “pmg”


Produce a new filter, inverted from the input

nornir_build volumepath InvertFilter [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                     [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX] -InputFilter
                                     FILTERSREGEX -OutputFilter OUTPUTFILTER

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


The filter to invert


Prefix added to output filters

Default: “Inverted”


List all SliceToSlice maps in a block

nornir_build volumepath ListBlockStosMaps [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                          [-Block BLOCKNAME]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Name of block

Default: “TEM”


Print a list of all damaged sections. Damaged sections are never used as control sections when chaining slice-to-slice transforms together to build slice-to-volume transforms

nornir_build volumepath ListDamagedSections [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                            [-Block BLOCKREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing blocks to include, * processes all blocks

Default: “*”


Print a list of the contrast settings used for all sections.

nornir_build volumepath ListFilterContrast [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                           [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                           [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                           [-Filters FILTERSREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to include, * processes all filters

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


List all SliceToSlice transform groups

nornir_build volumepath ListGroupSectionMappings [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                                 [-cc [CC ...]]
                                                 [-Block BLOCKNAME] -StosGroup
                                                 STOSGROUP -Downsample

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Name of the StosGroup


Downsample level of stos files


Print a list of filters without tilesets

nornir_build volumepath ListMissingTilesets [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                            [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                            [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                            [-Filters FILTERSREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to include, * processes all filters

Default: “*”


List the prune thresholds set for a filter

nornir_build volumepath ListPruneCutoff [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                        [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                        [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                        [-Filters FILTERREGEX]
                                        [-header_fill HEADER_FILL]
                                        [-fill VALUE_FILL]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]. Defaults to every section


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be edited

Default: “*”


The amount of padding to use for names in the list

Default: 12


The amount of padding to use for prune values in the list

Default: 6


List all SliceToSlice transform groups

nornir_build volumepath ListStosGroups [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                       [-Block BLOCKNAME]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


List all SliceToSlice mappings within a stos map

nornir_build volumepath ListStosMap [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                    [-Block BLOCKNAME] -Name STOSMAPNAME

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Name of the StosMap


Mark sections as damaged. Damaged sections are never used as control sections when chaining slice-to-slice transforms together to build slice-to-volume transforms

nornir_build volumepath MarkSectionsDamaged [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                            [-Block BLOCKREGEX]
                                            [-Sections SECTIONS]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing blocks to include, * processes all blocks

Default: “*”


Section numbers that should not be used as control sections. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Remove sections from the damaged list. Damaged sections are never used as control sections when chaining slice-to-slice transforms together to build slice-to-volume transforms

nornir_build volumepath MarkSectionsUndamaged [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                              [-cc [CC ...]]
                                              [-Block BLOCKREGEX]
                                              [-Sections SECTIONS]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing blocks to include, * processes all blocks

Default: “*”


Section numbers to remove from the damaged list. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Aligns tiles of a filter into a single mosaic. Produces an assembled mosaic image.

nornir_build volumepath Mosaic [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                               [-Sections SECTIONS] [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                               [-RegistrationDownsample DOWNSAMPLE]
                               -InputFilter INPUTFILTER
                               [-InputTransform INPUTTRANSFORMNAME]
                               [-OutputTransform OUTPUTTRANSFORMNAME]
                               [-RefineIterations REFINEITERATIONS]
                               [-Threshold DISPLACEMENTTHRESHOLD]
                               [-MinOverlap MIN_OVERLAP]
                               [-ExpandOverlapScalar EXCESS_SCALAR]
                               [-first_pass_inter_tile_distance FIRST_PASS_INTER_TILE_DISTANCE]
                               [-inter_tile_distance INTER_TILE_DISTANCE]
                               [-MinFeatureScore FEATURE_SCORE_THRESHOLD]
                               [-MinTranslateIterations MIN_TRANSLATE_ITERATIONS]
                               [-RelaxIterations MAX_RELAX_ITERATIONS]
                               [-OffsetChangeTolerance OFFSET_ACCEPTANCE_THRESHOLD]
                               [-RelaxThreshold MAX_RELAX_TENSION_CUTOFF]
                               [-CellArea CELLAREA]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Downsample level to use for ir-tools

Default: 4


Filter to use for registration

Default: “Raw8”


Name of the input transform

Default: “Prune”


Name of output transform.

Default: “Grid”


Maximum number of refinement passes to run

Default: 10


Displacement threshold for control point movement (in pixels). Refinement stops below this value

Default: 0.25


Minimum amount of overlap tiles must have to contribute to the final mosaic.

Default: 0.08


How much additional area should we pad the overlapping regions with.

Default: 1.0


A value from 0 to 1 that scales the distance between the centers of the two tiles. A value of 0 considers the full images when registering. A value of 1.0 only considers the overlapping regions according to the tile transforms. Reduce this value in the first registration pass to increase the search area.

Default: 1


A value from 0 to 1 that scales the distance between the centers of the two tiles. A value of 0 considers the full images when registering. A value of 1.0 only considers the overlapping regions according to the tile transforms. Reduce this value in early registration passes to increase the search area.

Default: 1


Minimum average FFT power spectral density. Determines if overlapping have enough texture for registration to be accurate.

Default: 0.35


Minimum number of iterations phase correlation and relaxation

Default: 5


Maximum number of relaxation passes to in translation only placement phase

Default: 500


Do not re-register (recalculate phase correlation of) a pair of overlapping tiles if the change in overlap position compared to the previous iteration is less than this distance in pixels.

Default: 1


Stop iteration of relaxation phase if the maximum tension vector on any tile is below this value (in pixels).

Default: 0.1


Size of region around each grid point to register, in pixels

Default: 128


Aligns tiles of a filter into a single mosaic. Produces an assembled mosaic image. Assumes stage coordinates are correct and refines distortions only without translating tiles.

nornir_build volumepath MosaicNoTranslate [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                          [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                          [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                          [-RegistrationDownsample DOWNSAMPLE]
                                          [-RefineIterations REFINEITERATIONS]
                                          [-CellArea CELLAREA]
                                          [-Threshold DISPLACEMENTTHRESHOLD]
                                          [-MaxOffset MAXOFFSET] -InputFilter
                                          [-InputTransform INPUTTRANSFORMNAME]
                                          [-OutputTransform OUTPUTTRANSFORMNAME]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Downsample level to use for ir-tools

Default: 4


Maximum number of refinement passes to run

Default: 10


Size of region around each grid point to register, in pixels

Default: 128


Displacement threshold for control point movement (in pixels). Refinement stops below this value

Default: 0.1


Comma separated list of downsample levels used for assembling output images

Default: 0.5


Filter to use for registration

Default: “Raw8”


Name of the input transform

Default: “Prune”


Name of output transform.

Default: “Grid”


Generate a web page summarizing the output of 2D section mosaics. Includes prune scores, contrast histograms, and assembled images if any.

nornir_build volumepath MosaicReport [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     [-PruneFilter PRUNEFILTER]
                                     [-ContrastFilter CONTRASTFILTER]
                                     [-AssembleFilter ASSEMBLEFILTER]
                                     [-AssembleDownsample ASSEMBLEDOWNSAMPLE]
                                     [-Output OUTPUTPATH]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Input filter passed to Prune pipeline

Default: “Raw8”


Input filter passed to Adjust Contrast pipeline

Default: “Raw8”


Input filter passed to Assemble or Mosaic pipeline

Default: “Raw8”


Downsample level to build assembled image thumbnails from

Default: 1


Name of report html file

Default: “ImageReport.html”


Used after slice to volume. Creates new mosaic transforms that map tiles directly into the volume space. This is done by passing the mosaic transform through a slice-to-volume transformation. Assemble can then be used to produce volume registered images.

nornir_build volumepath MosaicToVolume [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                       [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                       [-InputDownsample STOSDOWNSAMPLE]
                                       [-InputMap INPUTMAPNAME]
                                       [-InputGroup INPUTSTOSGROUP]
                                       [-InputTransform INPUTTRANSFORMNAME]
                                       [-OutputTransform OUTPUTTRANSFORM]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing channels to be processed

Default: “*”


Downsample level of input stosgroup

Default: 1


Name of output group

Default: “SliceToVolume”


Name of stos group to pass mosaic transforms through

Default: “SliceToVolume”


Mosaic transform to pass through slice-to-slice transform

Default: “Grid”


Name of output transform mapping a channel to a volume

Default: “ChannelToVolume”


Print the contrast parameters for a filter

nornir_build volumepath PrintContrast [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      -Sections SECTIONS
                                      [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                      [-Filters FILTERREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be edited

Default: “*”


Removes tiles without enough features for proper alignment.

nornir_build volumepath Prune [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                              [-Sections SECTIONS] [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                              -Threshold PRUNETHRESHOLD
                              [-InputFilter INPUTFILTER]
                              [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]
                              [-InputTransform INPUTTRANSFORM]
                              [-OutputTransform OUTPUTTRANSFORM]
                              [-overlap OVERLAP]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Texture complexity threshold

Default: 0


Filter to calculate complexity upon

Default: “Raw8”


Tiles are downsampled by this factor before being scored

Default: 1


Mosaic transform to prune. The transform provides the list of tiles in the mosaic.

Default: “Stage”


Name of output transform. Contains tiles from input transform minus tiles below threshold.

Default: “Prune”


Percentage overlap between tiles, 0.0 to 1,0

Default: 0.1


Refines slice-to-slice alignment at the given downsample level. This pipeline is often used iteratively at higher and higher resolutions to improve registration quality.

nornir_build volumepath RefineSectionAlignment [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                               [-cc [CC ...]]
                                               [-SectionMap STOSMAP]
                                               [-InputGroup INPUTGROUP]
                                               [-OutputGroup OUTPUTGROUP]
                                               [-Filters FILTERSREGEX]
                                               [-Threshold DISPLACEMENTTHRESHOLD]
                                               [-Spacing GRIDSPACING]
                                               [-CellArea CELLAREA]
                                               [-Iterations ITERATIONS]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Map describing which sections register to each other

Default: “FinalStosMap”


Map describing which sections register to each other

Default: “StosBrute”


Downsample level to use for input


Name of output group

Default: “StosGrid”


Downsample level to use for refinement


Regular expression describing filters to be aligned

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Use masks for images if they are available. Masked areas are replaced with random noise for alignment purposes.

Default: False


Displacement threshold for control point movement. Refinement stops below this value

Default: 0.1


Grid spacing in pixels

Default: 128


Size of region around each grid point to register, in pixels

Default: 256


Maximum number of refinement passes to run

Default: 10


List all SliceToSlice mappings within a stos map

nornir_build volumepath RemoveFromStosMap [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                          [-Block BLOCKNAME] -Name STOSMAPNAME
                                          -ControlSection CONTROLSECTION
                                          -MappedSection MAPPEDSECTION

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Name of the StosMap


Control Section Number


Mapped Section Number


Remove a SliceToSlice transform group

nornir_build volumepath RemoveStosGroup [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                        -StosGroup STOSGROUP
                                        [-Block BLOCKNAME]
                                        [-Downsample DOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Name of the StosGroup to remove


Block to create the StosGroup within

Default: “TEM”


Downsample level of stos files

Default: 1


Renames a filter

nornir_build volumepath RenameFilter [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     -InputFilter INPUTFILTER -OutputFilter

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Old Filter name


New Filter name


Generate a web page summarizing the output of 2D section mosaics. Includes prune scores, contrast histograms, and assembled images if any.

nornir_build volumepath ReportVolumeBounds [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                           -Channels CHANNELREGEX -Transforms
                                           TRANSFORMSREGEX [-StosMap STOSMAP]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Regular expression describing channels to be assembled


Transform defining images into mosaic


Slice-to-slice mapping of transforms. If not specified only unregistered mosaics are included.


Scales a stos group to use a different downsample level. Useful for producing full-resolution output after generating transforms using downsampled images.

nornir_build volumepath ScaleVolumeTransforms [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                              [-cc [CC ...]] -InputGroup
                                              SCALEGROUPNAME -InputDownsample
                                              [-OutputDownsample SCALEOUTPUTDOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Name of stos group to scale


Downsample level of input stosgroup


Downsample level of output. Defaults to 1.

Default: 1


Use masks for images if they are available. Masked areas are replaced with random noise for alignment purposes.

Default: False


Create a new registration chain by examining the stos overlays produced by AssembleStosOverlays. If two registrations are possible for a section the overlay with the most overlap is chosen.

nornir_build volumepath SelectBestRegistrationChain [-h] [-to [TO ...]]
                                                    [-cc [CC ...]] -StosGroup
                                                    STOSGROUP -Downsample
                                                    -InputStosMap INPUTSTOSMAP
                                                    [-OutputStosMap OUTPUTSTOSMAP]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Stos group to assemble

Default: “StosBrute”


Downsample level to assemble


Name assigned to generated stos map.

Default: “PotentialRegistrationChain”


Name assigned to generated stos map.

Default: “FinalStosMap”


Set the contrast parameters for a filter

nornir_build volumepath SetContrast [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                    [-Min MINVALUE] [-Max MAXVALUE]
                                    [-Gamma GAMMAVALUE] -Sections SECTIONS
                                    [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                    [-Filters FILTERREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Min intensity value, set to 0 in output

Default: NaN


Max intensity value, set to 1 in output

Default: NaN


Gamma adjustment

Default: NaN


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be edited

Default: “*”


Toggle the locked flag for a filter. Locked filters will not have images recalculated.

nornir_build volumepath SetFilterLock [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      -Locked LOCKED -Sections SECTIONS
                                      [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                      [-Filters FILTERREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Lock value, 0 = unlocked, 1 = locked


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be edited

Default: “*”


Specify another filter in the same channel to use as a mask when using this filter.

nornir_build volumepath SetFilterMaskName [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                          -InputFilter INPUTFILTER -MaskName

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Old Filter name


New Mask Name for filter name


Toggle the locked flag for a .mosaic transform to prevent or enable regeneration.

nornir_build volumepath SetMosaicLock [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      -Locked LOCKED -Sections SECTIONS
                                      [-Channels CHANNELREGEX] -Transforms

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Lock value, 0 = unlocked, 1 = locked


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing transform names to be edited


Set the prune threshold for a filter

nornir_build volumepath SetPruneCutoff [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                       -Value PRUNEVAL -Sections SECTIONS
                                       [-Channels CHANNELREGEX]
                                       [-Filters FILTERREGEX]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Prune threshold to set

Default: 0


Section numbers to edit. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to be edited

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to be edited

Default: “*”


Brightfield microscopy shading correction. Uses the max tile intensity across all tiles to determine the shading gradient. Produces an inverted output filter with the shading subtracted.

nornir_build volumepath ShadeCorrect [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                     [-Sections SECTIONS]
                                     [-Channels CHANNELSREGEX]
                                     [-Filters FILTERSREGEX]
                                     [-OutputFilter OUTPUTFILTER] -Correction

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Section numbers to process. If omitted all sections are processed. Values are separated with commas and ranges are indicated by hyphens. Ex: ‘1,3,5-7’ == [1,3,5,6,7]


Regular expression describing channels to include, * processes all channels

Default: “*”


Regular expression describing filters to include, * processes all filters

Default: “(?![M|m]ask)”


Prefix added to output filters

Default: “ShadingCorrected”


Possible choices: brightfield, darkfield

Brightfield images have a light background with darker features. Darkfield images have a dark background with light features.

Default: “brightfield”


Created a group of slice-to-volume transforms from a group of slice-to-slice transforms

nornir_build volumepath SliceToVolume [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                      [-Downsample STOVDOWNSAMPLE] -InputGroup
                                      [-OutputGroup STOVOUTPUTGROUPNAME]
                                      [-InputMap INPUTMAP]
                                      [-OutputMap OUTPUTMAP] [-NoEnrichment]
                                      [-Tolerance TOLERANCE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Downsample level to use for SliceToVolume

Default: 16


Map describing which sections register to each other

Default: “StosGrid”


Name of output group

Default: “SliceToVolume”


Name of output group

Default: “FinalStosMap”


Name of output registration map. Defaults to -OutputGroup name if omitted.


Do not add extra control points to slice-to-volume transforms to increase accuracy.

Default: True


Maximum distance, at full resolution, between the expected and actual position of transformed triangle centroids. Above this value a control point is added at the centroid to increase transform accuracy.

Default: 64


Generate a web page containing a summary of the alignments between sections in a 3D volume

nornir_build volumepath StosReport [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                   -StosGroup STOSGROUP [-Output OUTPUTPATH]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Stos group to pull images from


Name of report html file

Default: “StosReport.html”


Produces an assembled image for transforms in a stos group. If the transforms are slice-to-volume transforms the output should be registered into a volume. Note that using this function requires assembled images to exist at full resolution. If these do not exist see the MosaicToVolume pipeline.

nornir_build volumepath VolumeImage [-h] [-to [TO ...]] [-cc [CC ...]]
                                    [-InputGroup VOLUMEIMAGEGROUPNAME]
                                    [-InputDownsample VOLUMEIMAGEDOWNSAMPLE]

E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


E-Mail addresses for reports

Default: “”


Name of stos group to create scaled version of, default = SliceToVolume

Default: “SliceToVolume”


Downsample level of input stosgroup, default = 1

Default: 1